She reply me and said "Oh.. hye! Im just finish my dinner and want to do Bio revision.. How about you?".. I reply her, "Im also juz finish my dinner..haha.. Am i disturbing you?" She said, "no la.. hey did you couple with chinese girl?" I said " Did you mean Poh Yuen??. No la.. I and her are juz good friend only..how about you? Any boyfriend?" she said, "Yeah I already have boyfriend but break up already.. hehe" I said, " wow.. Im sorry to hear that" The slowly we chat till 12 pm and i tell her everything about me since she said that "I trust you.. can we sit together next class??" I said, " yeah sure can.. ^_^" She ask me, "What you doing now?" I told her," Thinking of new quote..hehe" She said, " wow!.. quote about what?? i said, " anything but i always write about martial arts and love..haha" Then, she said, " Write a quote for me can ar? haha.." I told her, " Sure no problem.. But you have to wait a bit la" she said, " ok i wait.."
After 10 minutes,I send her the quote through sms..
Me: "Thousands of the stars were gone and many of decade Im in the dark.. The shinning of the moon appears so glim.. The blur of my inspiration without direction.. a second of time appears your face silently and there's a shinning of a light.. Is it the stars or the moon? Thank you for showing me the path.. Can I steal the shadow of your face? Can I steal the dream with you? Forgive me if this disturbing the space of your life.. All that I wish is to look into your eyes once again.."
About 1pm...
Ween: Sorry Hazeeq, I dozed off last night. >< thanks for your quote.. me likey
Me: nvm I know you tired..Ok nitez and sweet dream...
Ween; ok Nitez...
She tell me about herself to me and we share a lot of stories about ourself and we also make our first promises which is "Always trusting each other".. I still remember on one particular day, that time she said to me that she will sleep very late around 2am coz want to study.. I said to her, " Oh! nevermind, I wait for you till you going to sleep.. I also want to study lol.. We study together ok?'' She said. " Like a couple striving very hard for their life.. Lolx." Around 1.50 am, I send her a message and she doesnt reply it.. The next morning, she send me back a message, "Sorry Hazeeq, I dozed of again..haha anyway, good morning" I reply her back," Good morning, its ok la.. I understand.."
On 27 October 2010.. 8.30 pm
Me: Hai Ween.. I want to tell you something.. This evening I had a strange dream.. This is the second time I experience it.. In the dream there's a guy and a girl and they from being friendship went into a relationship.. I want you to assume that the guy as A and the girl as E.. They seem so happy until one day, the A's friend felt in love with the E.. The A's friend tried to express his love to the E and the E accept it and left the A alone.. But i know its impossible for the A to have the E since their races are different.. This dream actually I experience before when I' m in love with my first sight love and its really happen.. The second time i dun know whether its about me or not..
Ween: Hye, hazzeq.. Erm, mind to tell me who is the A and the E?
Me: Erm.. Dun know how to tell coz Im not sure..
Ween: Oh.. you and me? Lolx.. just kidding.. Try to tell me when you find out..hehe
Me: why you think is you and me?
Ween: dunno.. maybe our races and religion different..haha
Me: Actually it is you and me.. Sorry o
Ween; really? hahax.. its okay.. Ialso got a bit shocked.. it seems so interesting.. what we did in the dream?
Me: We went on a date, walking around the street, sharing our interest and dance too.. hehe.. Till someone come and you leave me alone..
Ween: wow.. so romantic meyh.. erm, in fact there wont be "someone" coz no one courting me also..Lolx
Me: haha.. anyway, do you have any feeling towards me?
Ween: before that, erm you have any feeling for me?
Me: yes i do.. sorry
Ween: Erm, I like you..
Me: Like me as a friend rite? haha.. nevermind I can understand..
Ween; Erm, to be frank, I have been thinking actually.. Like imagine you and me are in love.. Lolx
Me: really meh?
Ween: yeah.. Erm, do you want it to happen?
Me: Of course I want it to happen but I dun want you to love me juz because you pity look at me
Ween; It can happen.. Only after spm.. so, we will decide after that ok? now spm first..
Me; Ok.. Promise?
Ween: I promise.. ^_^
Me: I trusting you..
Ween: Yeaps.. Thanks for trusting me
That time Im really happy and I thought I can have her after spm over.. But unfortunately, it doesnt happen like what I imagine before.. Each time we sit together at tution, I always notice that she will talk to someone else more than talk to me.. Im a bit sad to see that.. She like prefer to talk with someone els than me and yet she never try to talk to me unless Im asking her question.. One day, Im a bit down with her and yet she doesnt notice that.. Later, she sms me and ask whether Im angry with her and i doesnt reply her message.. At the night before i went to sleep, I think anout what happen and I just felt that I shouldnt do that to her and I want to say sorry to her directly...
The next morning, I know she have physic class and I went to KTM and wait for her from 1.05pm till 2.05 pm.. Then, she surprise see me that time.. She a bit shocked and i said to her, "Im sorry about yesterday.." She said, "Nevermind la" Then we going to Paparich to have a drink while waiting for Ween physic class start.. I saw she a bit shy and Im guessing that she want to say something to me but yet she doesnt say anything... After the drink, we went to Perfection and that time I feel want to enter her physic class.. This time start the terrible situation.. I dun know that she cant concentrate.. Then after finish the class, she sms me and said that...
Ween: Hazeeq, am sory.. I think I have to make a cruel decision now.. I cant accept you.. I really need to concentrate on my exam.. Like juz now, dun you feel like were actually wating your precious times stayingfor physics class juz for me? I totally cant concentrate during the class..
Me: Why you so cruel? You said we talk about this after spm.. I understand you wan study and so do I but why u talk about thiss matter now? You really hurt me dont you know that??
Ween: Short term of pain is better than long term me pain.. I didnt mean to hurt you but your action juz now made me feel really uncomfortable.. Furthermore, Im a chinese la.. Now I realised that im actually a very prejudice person.. sorry.. I made this decision is for your own good so that you wont get a deeper hurt later.. sorry
Me: You really hurt me Ween.. I cant believe that... You said you trust me dont you?? Why suddenly..haiz... Theres only a few week we will see each other and after that I wont appear in your life anymore.. I wont disturb you anymore.. All the quote that i had written for you, I will burn it and I want you to know that I will always love you and i never love someone deeply like you.. Thx and I hope you do well in the spm..
One week I cant study coz of that and ally my friends sms and give me some advises.. Thank to them now I can accept already what had happen and I once promise her that I will always love her and start from now I wont be in love again and I will still love her even do she wont because only God and I know how deeply my love towards her and I never fall off any tears to someone except her.. Now I juz can flash back the memory that I and her been through since the day we get to know each other till now.. I will never forget that beautiful memory even do it juz a short term.. Thats all I can story about my love story to a person that i love so much, Ween.. I juz hope one day her boyfriend will love her more than I do... And I juz hope that I will remain single forever and this is a proof that I love her so much!!
The love tht i cant get.. any ways its one of sweet memories in my life...
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