First, Second & Third day
I go attend at Bandar Baru Selayang (BBS) and the bus go to Kem Semarak around 11 am.. The bus stop for luch time at Perhentian Temerloh.. After 1 hour break, i continue the journey to the camp which i reach there around 3pm.. then gt a bit brief n collect all the uniform and so on... Plus, must cut my hair till botak..haiz.. nvm la.. The first day nt quite interesting coz i dun get used to it... same goes to second and third day oso... Second & Third day very sien (boring) which we (Selangor people) hv to wai the Segamat & Temerloh people to come... >_<
Fourth, Fiveth, Sixth, Seventh, Eight, nineth, Tenth Day
This day is the begining of all the student in the camp to attend the class knows as Character Building Classes or (CB class).. When first time i enter, i see two teachers known as Cikgu Fahmi & Cikgu Dilla.. both of them are actuall a kind & great teacher... I become a leader of my group known as "GENESYS".. I get to know all my team member, Esther, Fatina, Kecik, Xai leung, Zye ai and many more... The first modul known as "Menampilkan yang terbaik dalam diri sendiri".. I learnt a lot in this modul such as "Mustahil ke boleh", "Sikap", "pendengaran aktif", otak, perjanjian and many more la... In this period of time oso i had learn a bit hw to kawad le... we must kawad when pray, eating, exercise and attend the class... In the end of this modul, I quite sad coz maybe must switch classes n get new teacher but thx to God it didnt happen..haha.. one more secret, i do find someone tht hv almost the same attitude as ween..haha.. On the friday night, i and my company team must do a task known as Kontrak Kite Janji (KKJ) which i as one of the memeber who gv the company name as "AMITY" which means "Friendship"... and when the time come our company present the task n we get the first place on the task.. Thx to God!! woohooo.. Bravo always the best...
Eleventh, Twelfth, Thirteen, Fourteen, Fifteen Day
The next modul is "Menampilkan yang terbaik dalam diri orang lain".. This modul is quite interesting coz i can to knw hw to be a leader, know how to juggle n so on.. As usual we must hv new group, i get a new group which i oso once again become a leader on it.. my member oso quite spotting and funny as well.. haha.. my member: Bain (my buddy). Syafiq, Xai leung, zye ai, Pui ling, fatina, Sakina n many more... forget to said tht I get dorm 9 which inside of it all malay... very sien leh... >_< but its ok they all quite funny n spotting oso.. Each time when enter the class, we must sing a song namely as Hijau.. this modul oso make me realize of my vision on what i wanna do on the futere, my aim... but yet, i do like someone in the class.. at first we juz be friend n i wan to knw anything bout herself.. she quite funny, creative, cute n a bit manja as well.. her attitude almost same as ween.. haha.. she is the creator of "muramji" haha... nvm u guys dont knw which girl i talk bout it rite..haha ^_^.. when the time of the end of this modul, once again all people in the class r started to sad coz hv to spilt for a n ew teacher... Cikgu Fahmi ply a song known as Kenangan Terindah.. tht song represent our memory in the CB3...
Sixteen, Seventeen, Eighteen, Nineteen & Twenty Day
We do not change class again..haha im glad to hear tht.. We enter the new modul known as "Budaya Kerja".. In this modul i learn hw to be responsible, hw to overcome an appoiment, hw to become the best workers... as usual, we get to an organization which I as the CEo in the company.. My company knwos as Diamond Crew Sdn bhd which provide a lot of computer technology, giving consult on it, n also hv our own University which very famous in entire world... haha.. we get the best seller among the four company... I really enjoy the modul.. this time i quite close to her.. she always call me pendek.. haiz.. am i tht short?? haha... i started to like her... when the end of the modul, we all sing a song n wish her happy coming birthday... then, we all took picture n put it as a very memorable memory...
The next day, is the day of her birthday... i buy her somethings n gv it to her at dewan makan... she seem happy n yet i actually write something on her present but she didnt notice bout it.. i wrote "I like you".. then, on sunday, i treat her ice cream, which tht time the start to rain... we were trap at padang kawad.. we were a bit wet tht time... she like to ply in the rain leh..haha.. but didnt wan to ply tht time.. about half n hour, the rain stop.. then both of us went to dewan makan for eat... when we reach at dewan makan, all of people there looking at us n start to simile but yet im nt happy coz in the time we eat ice cream, she told me she already hv bf... so im a bit sad but i didnt show to her tht im sad... Nvm la... i should nt be like before & i accept tht Esther & I r juz friend..
BRAVo (AMITY) Company is the best... I & her same company making the company more funnier n interesting... forget to said tht, to all my friend at Kem Semarak... you guy's were awesome... AMITY GEMPAK!!! (Our trademark)
After chinese new year, we all start for the real training.. We all get to learn bout martial art, shooting using M-16, Water Confident, camp in the jungle, flying fox & how to "kawad".. I do my best by expand HazWeen Wing Chun n i cant imagine many of my friend there want to learn..

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