Thursday, February 18, 2010

Family trip to Melaka

now I would like to tell about my family trip...

We started our journey at 8.00 a.m. ......

we ate our breakfast at 10 a. m at perhentian seremban... fufu

we went all over melaka started from Bandar Melaka... hehe

It's quite fun... We went to Menara Taming Sari..... n here some picture i took from the Menara...

haiz... after that, we went to Kota A'Famosa n some place near that la..0


Then, we went to Melaka Sultanate Palace... the place wow damn beautifull plus an upgrade palace...heheh

Next, we went Museum Kapal which is one of the biggest old ship i had seen...

We aso went to Perkampungan Poturgis.....haha all the people are very nice..

We had our dinner at Muar, Johor.....

we order only 3 mee bandung, 2 nasi goreng ayam n one mee, 4 ice tee n 2 teh tarik....

total all they charge us, u wan to knw ar.......

Rm35.... damn expensive, if we all knw that, we won ate there....wat a drag....

then we went home and reached there at 11 o'clock.....haiz

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