Wednesday, January 5, 2011

My own Wing Chun (HazWeen Wing Chun)

My wing chun is not authentic because i will combine it with wing chun style & wing chun kuen style. I still maintain the principles of wing chun which is "The Centre Line", "Simultaneous Parrying & Punching", "Teory of Economy of Motion", & 'Low And Sometimes high Kick" .. I also will add Bruce Lee philosophy on it which is "Empty your mind.. Be formless, shapeless like water.. If you put water in a cup, it become a cup.. If you put it in bottle, it became a bottle.. If you put it in a teapot, it become a teapot.. Nw, water can be flow or can be crash.. Be water my friend!"

The characteristic of my Wing Chun:

1) Relaxation

Softness (via relaxation) and performing techniques in a relaxed manner, is fundamental to Wing Chun.

  • Tension reduces punching speed and power. Muscles act in pairs in opposition to each other (e.g. biceps and triceps). If the arm is tensed, maximum punching speed cannot be achieved as the biceps will be opposing the extension of the arm. In Wing Chun, the arm should be relaxed before beginning the punching motion.
  • Unnecessary muscle tension wastes energy and causes fatigue.
  • Tense, stiff arms are less fluid and sensitive during trapping and chi sao.
  • A tense, stiff limb provides an easy handle for an opponent to push or pull with, whereas a relaxed limb provides an opponent less to work with.
  • A relaxed, but focused limb, affords the ability to feel "holes" or weaknesses in the opponent's structure (see Sensitivity section). With the correct forwarding these "holes" grant a path into attacking the opponent.
  • Muscular struggle reduces a fight to who is stronger. Minimum brute strength in all movement becomes an equalizer in uneven strength confrontations. This is very much in the spirit of the tale of Ng Mui.

2) Balance, Structure & Stance

Wing Chun practitioners believe that the person with better body structure will win. A correct Wing Chun stance is like a piece of bamboo, firm but flexible, rooted but yielding. This structure is used to either deflect external forces or redirect them.

Balance is related to structure because a well-balanced body recovers quicker from stalled attacks and structure is maintained. Wing Chun trains the awareness of one's own body movement derived from muscular, tendon, and articular sources. Performing Wing Chun's forms such as Chum Kiu or the Wooden Dummy form greatly increase proprioception. Wing Chun favours a high, narrow stance with the elbows kept close to the body. Within the stance, arms are positioned across the vitals of the centerline. Shifting or turning within a stance is carried out variantly on the heels, balls, or middle (K1 or Kidney 1 point) of the foot depending on lineage. All attacks and counter-attacks are initiated from this firm, stable base. Wing Chun rarely compromises structure for more powerful attacks because this is believed to create defensive openings which may be exploited.

Structure is viewed as important, not only for reasons of defense, but also for attack. When the practitioner is effectively "rooted", or aligned so as to be braced against the ground, the force of the hit is believed to be far more devastating. Additionally, the practice of "settling" one's opponent to brace them more effectively against the ground aids in delivering as much force as possible to them

3) Centreline

While the existence of a "central axis" concept is unified in Wing Chun, the interpretation of the centerline concept itself is not. Many variations exist, with some lineages defining anywhere from a single "centerline" to multiple lines of interaction and definition. The most commonly seen interpretation emphasizes attack and defense along an imaginary horizontal line drawn from the center of the practitioner's chest to the center of the enemy's chest. The human body's prime striking targets are considered to be on or near this line, including eyes, nose, throat, solar plexus and groin.

Wing Chun techniques are generally "closed", with the limbs drawn in to protect the central area and also to maintain balance. In most circumstances, the hands do not move beyond the vertical circle that is described by swinging the arms in front, with the hands crossed at the wrists. To reach outside this area, footwork is used. A large emphasis and time investment in training Chi Sao exercise emphasises positioning to dominate this centerline. The stance and guard all point at or through the center to concentrate physical and mental intent of the entire body to the one target.

Wing Chun practitioners attack within this central area to transmit force more effectively, since it targets the "core center" (or "mother line", another center defined in some lineages and referring to the vertical axis of the human body where the center of gravity lies). For example, striking an opponent's shoulder will twist the body, dispelling some of the force and weakening the strike, as well as compromising the striker's position. Striking closer to the center transmits more force directly into the body.

4) Punches

Because of the emphasis on the center line, the vertical fist straight punch is the most common strike in Wing Chun. However, the principle of simultaneous attack and defense (Lin Sil Die Dar) suggests that all movements in the Siu Nim Tau with a forward execution flow into a strike if no effective resistance is met, without need for recomposure. Other explicit examples of punches can be found in the Chum Kiu and Bil Jee forms, although these punches may appear to be superficially different they are simply the result of the punch beginning from a different origin position while following the same fundamental idea, to punch in a straight line following the shortest distance between the fist and the opponent.

The vertical punch is the most basic and fundamental in Wing Chun and is usually thrown with the elbow down and in front of the body. Depending on the lineage, the fist is held anywhere from vertical to horizontal (palm side up). The contact points also vary from the top two knuckles, to the middle two knuckles, to the bottom three knuckles. In some lineages of Wing Chun, the fist is swivelled at the wrist on point of impact so that the bottom three knuckles are thrust forward adding power to the punch while it is at maximum extension.

The punches may be thrown in quick succession in a "straight blast" or "chain punching". When executed correctly, it can be used as a disorienting finisher.

However, it is often misunderstood and criticized for encouraging weaker punches that do not utilize the whole body. But in fact, the formal name of it in Chinese is translated as "The Sun-character Rushing Punch", practitioners typically would rush forward with his full body weight "throwing" towards his opponent, with the fist as the "nail", and his full body weight as the "hammer".

Wing Chun favours the vertical punch for several reasons:

  • Directness. The punch is not "loaded" by pulling the elbow behind the body. The punch travels straight towards the target from the guard position (hands are held in front of the chest).
  • Protection. The elbow is kept low to cover the front midsection of the body. It is more difficult for an opponent to execute an elbow lock/break when the elbow occupies this position. This aids in generating power by use of the entire body structure rather than only the arm to strike. Also with the elbow down, it offers less opening for the body to be attacked while the forearm and punch intercept space towards the head and upper body.
  • Strength and Impact. Wing Chun practitioners believe that because the elbow is behind the fist during the strike, it is thereby supported by the strength of the entire body rather than just a swinging fist, and therefore has more impact. A common analogy is a baseball bat being swung at someone's head (a round-house punch), as opposed to the butt end of the bat being thrust forward into the opponent's face (wing chun punch), which would cause far more damage than a glancing hit and is not as easy to evade. Many skilled practitioners pride themselves on being able to generate "short power" or large amount of power in a short space. A common demonstration of this is the "one-inch punch", a punch that starts only an inch away from the target yet delivers an explosive amount of force.
  • Alignment & Structure. Because of Wing Chun's usage of stance, the vertical punch is thus more suitable. The limb directly in front of the chest, elbow down, vertical nature of the punch allows a practitioner to absorb the rebound of the punch by directing it through the elbows and into the stance. This is a desirable trait to a Wing Chun practitioner because it promotes use of the entire body structure to generate power. Whereas, the rebound of a horizontal punch uses only the arm to strike. In this elbow-out position the hinge-structure directs force outwards along the limb producing torque in the puncher's body.

5) Kicks

Kicks can be explicitly found in the Chum Kiu and Mook Jong forms, though some have made interpretations of small leg movements in the Siu Nim Tau and Bil Jee to contain information on kicking as well. Depending on lineage, a beginner is often introduced to basic kicking before learning the appropriate form. Traditionally, kicks are kept below the waist. This is characteristic of southern Chinese martial arts, in contrast to northern systems which utilise many high kicks.

Variations on a front kick are performed striking with the heel. The body may be square and the knee and foot are vertical on contact (Chum Kiu), or a pivot may be involved with the foot and knee on a plane at an angle (Mook Jong). At short distances this can become a knee. A roundhouse kick is performed striking with the shin in a similar manner to the Muay Thai version with most of the power coming from the body pivot. This kick is usually used as a finisher at closer range, targeting anywhere between the ribs and the back of the knee, this kick can also become a knee at close range. Other kicks include a stamping kick (Mook Jong) for very close range and a sweep performed with the heel in a circular fashion (Bil Jee).

Every kick is both an attack and defence, with legs being used to check incoming kicks or to take the initiative in striking through before a more circular kick can land. Kicks are delivered in one movement directly from the stance without chambering/cocking. But sometime for my wing chun, the high kick can be use because to me its also have the benefit..

6) Uncommited Technique

Wing Chun techniques are uncommitted. This means that if the technique fails to connect, the practitioner's position or balance is less affected. If the attack fails, the practitioner is able to "flow" easily into a follow-up attack. All Wing Chun techniques permit this. Any punches or kicks can be strung together to form a "chain" of attacks. According to Wing Chun theory, these attacks, in contrast to one big attack, break down the opponent gradually causing internal damage. Chained vertical punches are a common Wing Chun identifier.

7) Trapping & Sensibility

The Wing Chun practitioner develops reflexes within the searching of unsecured defenses through use of sensitivity. Training through Chi Sao with a training partner, one practices the trapping of hands. When an opponent is "trapped", he or she becomes immobile. To me "Greet what arrives, escort what leaves and rush upon loss of contact"..

8) Absorbing What Is Useful

This is the idea that a martial artist can only learn techniques in their proper context, through a holistic approach. Styles provide more than just techniques: They also offer training methods, theories, and mental attitudes. Learning these factors allows a student to experience a system in what Lee called its "totality". Only through learning a system completely will an artist be able to, "absorb what is useful," and discard the remainder. Real combat training situations allow the student to learn what works, and what doesn't. The critical point of this principle is that the choice of what to keep is based on personal experimentation with various opponents over time. It is not based on how a technique may look or feel, or how precisely the artist can mimic tradition. In the final analysis, if the technique is not beneficial in combat, it is discarded. Lee believed that only the individual could come to understand what worked; based on critical self analysis, and by, "honestly expressing oneself, without lying to oneself."

9) Close Range

Wing Chun teaches practitioners to advance quickly and strike at close range. While the Wing Chun forward kick can be considered a long range technique, many Wing Chun practitioners practice "entry techniques"—getting past an opponent's kicks and punches to bring him within range of Wing Chun's close range repertoire. This means that theoretically, if the correct techniques are applied, a shorter person with a shorter range can defeat a larger person by getting inside his range and attacking him close to his body.

10) Economy of Motion

Wing Chun practitioners must seeks to waste no time or movement, teaching that the simplest things work best. Economy of motion is the principle by which Wing Chun practitioners achieve:

  • Efficiency: An attack which reaches its target in the least amount of time, with maximum force.
  • Directness: Doing what comes naturally in a discipline way.
  • Simplicity: Thinking in an uncomplicated manner; without ornamentation.

This is meant to help a practitioner conserve both energy and time; two crucial components in a physical confrontation. Maximized force seeks to end the battle quickly due to the amount of damage inflicted upon the opponent. Rapidity aims to reach the target before the opponent can react, which is half-beat faster timing, learned in Wing Chun and Western boxing. Learned techniques are utilized in Wing Chun to apply these principles to a variety of situations.

The Form consist of 5 empty hand, 7weapon form & 1 form of wooden dummy...

Empty Form

1) Siu Lim Tao (小念頭)

2) Chum Kiu (尋橋)

3) Biu Tze (鏢指)

4) Sai Fa Kuen

5) Dai Fa Kuen

Weapon Form

1) Yee Jee Seung Do (八斬刀)

2) Luk Dim Boon Kwun (六點半棍)

3) Plum Flower Staff (楊梅棒)

4) Kwan Dao (春秋大刀)

5) Spear (梅花槍)

6) 5, 7 and 9 section iron whip (五、七、九節鞭

7) Nunchucks

Wooden Dummy Form

1) Muk Yan Jong木人樁

But the most important is Chi Sao (黐手) & Chi Gerk... By this you will knw how to attack & defense plus also know how to trapping and use the energy of your enemy to hit he/ she back.. This is my style of wing chun although its nt authentic but at least you can know how to defense yourself... I call it as "Wing Chun: The Art of Self Defense".. I learning various kind of wing chun not as a hobby or show off.. Im learning it to sharing with all people.. "simplyfy what is complicated not simplify what is brief".. To me wing chun is my life.. I wan spend the rest of my life by sharing this knowledge and spread it.. One day i will spread it and my wing chun name known as "HazWeen Wing Chun Kungfu"..

I show u one of simple technique in wing chun... Start from left to downward..

Haz come from my name which is Hazeeq & Ween come from my lover name which is Wen .. Thats all about my wing chun.. Thx for reading!! ^_^

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Kiss The Rain

I often close my eyes

And I can see you smile

You reach out for my hand

And I'm woken from my dream

Although your heart is mine It's hollow inside

I never had your love

And I never will

And every night I lie awake

Thinking maybe you love me

Like I've always loved you

But how can you love me Like

I loved you when

You can't even look me straight in my eyes

I've never felt this way

To be so in love

To have someone there

Yet feel so alone

Aren't you supposed to be

The one to wipe my tears

The on to say that you would never leave

The waters calm and still

My reflection is there

I see you holding me

But then you disappear

All that is left of you

Is a memory

On that only, exists in my dreams

I don't know what hurts you

But I can feel it too

And it just hurts so much

To know that

I can't do a thing

And deep down in my heart

Somehow I just know

That no matter what I'll always love you

Monday, January 3, 2011

Missing u Ween

I miss you a little,

I guess you could say,

a little too much,

a little too often,

and a little more each day...

Never say i love you,

if you don't really care...

never talk about feelings,

if they aren't really there...

never touch a life,

if you mean to break a heart...

never say you're going to,

if you don't plan to start...

never look me in they eye,

when all you do is lie...

never say hello,

if you really mean good-bye..

Nothing hurts more than

realizing he meant everything to you

and you meant nothing to him.

A Million Words Would Not Bring You Back,

I Know Because I've Tried.

Neither Would A Million Tears,

I Know Because I've Cried.

If you have love in your life

it can make up for a great many things you lack.

If you don't have it,

no matter what else there is,

it's not enough..

Time goes by a lot slower

when you miss the one you love...

(This one should be the old post since i hv time to post it on blog last year n nw im rewrite it back..)

A quote Juz for u

You changed my world with a blink of an eye

That is something that I can not deny

You put my soul from worst to best

That is why I treasure you my dearest Ween..

You just don't know what you have done for me

You even pushed me to the best that I can be

You really are an angel sent from above

To take care of me and shower with love..

When I'm with you I will not cry even a single a tear

And your touch have chased away all of my fear

You have given me a life that I could live worthwhile

It is even better every time you smile..

It so magical those things you've made

To bring back my faith that almost fade

Now my life is a dream come true

It all began when I was loved by you..

Now I have found what I am looking for

It's you and your love and nothing more

Co'z you have given me this feeling of contentment

In my life something I've never felt..

I wish I could talk 'til the end of day

But now I'm running out of things to say

So I'll end by the line you already know

"I LOVE YOU" more than what I could show

Sunday, January 2, 2011

2 Hearts

I still remember that brisk and cool day,

that day we met and my fears were driven away.

Your perfect smile, your joyous laugh,

the way your eyes lit up when we talked about the past.

We would sit and talk for hours

on end about our secrets and our future plans.

Our friendship started to grow much more.

It became a feeling so strong we could not ignore.

You told me, it would be for the best, just wait and see.

Fate. You said, has brought you to me.

We believed those words,

we thought they were true,

but I guess they weren't

because now we are through.

Now your gone and now I see that it was all because of me.

I hurt so many, yet cared so much,

about the wrong person and felt the wrong touch.

I played a game with two hearts,

I thought I was strong, I'd never be torn apart.

I hope you forgive and I hope that you see,

those feelings I have are smothered inside of me.

Someday soon I hope you will find a love that will last you all of time.

You deserve the best in everything you do.

Maybe someday I will see you,

with a smile on your face, hand in hand with somebody new.

Until that day comes I will be here, I will be your angel in the light that's so clear.

I'll look out for you when you need me the most,

I will always be around,

I will not let you down.

I love you know and I always will,

and even though your not mine,

my heart holds you still. on earth,For this is surely it.

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Diary Of Broken Heart

We were just friends at the start,

Always having fun, never apart

Then one day, something sparked

The next thing I knew, you had my heart..

The days flew by,

I lost track of time

Every time I was with you,

I was on cloud nine..

Then one day, i asked you to be my girlfriend

you exclaimed, "after SPM.. I promise" and prayed we'd last until the very end.

No one could look into my eyes and say I wasn't happy,

Happy that I was with you, and you were with me..

With me in your arms, you told me you loved me,

I was convinced you were the one for me,

Apart from you, I would never be.

Just when I thought all was well,

Was when you began to put me through hell.

You said, we should just be friends

That's when I knew it was the end..

I looked into your eyes, trying to find out why,

It was all I could do, not to begin to cry.

Where I once saw love, I saw nothing,

I couldn't believe you no longer felt something..

I lay in bed, counting my tears,

Each representing what I'd hoped would be years.

Years of happiness, for us to be together,

A long-lived life, forever and ever.

But in my heart, I know this will never be,

For in yours, no longer is there a place for me.

I gave you my all; I gave you my heart

Little did I know that you'd tear it apart.

Everyday I place a smile on my face

,As for tears, there is not a trace.

You ripped me apart, but yet it's true,

Forever and always, I'll still love you, Ween!

Story about me & Ween

I thought I dun wan to be in love coz I always get hurt but on 23 October 2010, I once again fall in love with a girl that same age with me.. Her name is Chong Kai Wen, but all her friends call her Ween.. The story start when I, Ween, Wennie, Meng Choon, Irene, Yap and O'neal want to have breakfast at Paparich.. That time I dun knw her yet even never say hi also... After we reach Paparich, we all looking for place to sit n I saw her trying to pull over the table so that can combine.. I then quickly said to her "Nevermind I do" and when I was pulling the table aside i suddenly looking at her eyes and thats was that was a first time my eyes met her eyes.. I tell myself that time "Don't said that Im in love again?? haiz.." Then, we order foods and drinks and I looking at her once again and I quite surprise that she also do the same thing... I juz can only smile to cover my shyness that time..haha.. My first expression on her that time is she love to smile and love to play with kids.. After finish breakfast, we all went back to Perfection coz have tution.. I try asking her number at her cousin, Wennie and Wennie give me her phone number... That night, about 8.30, I sms Ween and that time i juz send "Hi.. what u doing? Im Hazeeq.. the guy that same tution with you, Perfection of course"..

She reply me and said "Oh.. hye! Im just finish my dinner and want to do Bio revision.. How about you?".. I reply her, "Im also juz finish my dinner..haha.. Am i disturbing you?" She said, "no la.. hey did you couple with chinese girl?" I said " Did you mean Poh Yuen??. No la.. I and her are juz good friend about you? Any boyfriend?" she said, "Yeah I already have boyfriend but break up already.. hehe" I said, " wow.. Im sorry to hear that" The slowly we chat till 12 pm and i tell her everything about me since she said that "I trust you.. can we sit together next class??" I said, " yeah sure can.. ^_^" She ask me, "What you doing now?" I told her," Thinking of new quote..hehe" She said, " wow!.. quote about what?? i said, " anything but i always write about martial arts and love..haha" Then, she said, " Write a quote for me can ar? haha.." I told her, " Sure no problem.. But you have to wait a bit la" she said, " ok i wait.."

After 10 minutes,I send her the quote through sms..

Me: "Thousands of the stars were gone and many of decade Im in the dark.. The shinning of the moon appears so glim.. The blur of my inspiration without direction.. a second of time appears your face silently and there's a shinning of a light.. Is it the stars or the moon? Thank you for showing me the path.. Can I steal the shadow of your face? Can I steal the dream with you? Forgive me if this disturbing the space of your life.. All that I wish is to look into your eyes once again.."

About 1pm...

Ween: Sorry Hazeeq, I dozed off last night. >< thanks for your quote.. me likey

Me: nvm I know you tired..Ok nitez and sweet dream...

Ween; ok Nitez...

She tell me about herself to me and we share a lot of stories about ourself and we also make our first promises which is "Always trusting each other".. I still remember on one particular day, that time she said to me that she will sleep very late around 2am coz want to study.. I said to her, " Oh! nevermind, I wait for you till you going to sleep.. I also want to study lol.. We study together ok?'' She said. " Like a couple striving very hard for their life.. Lolx." Around 1.50 am, I send her a message and she doesnt reply it.. The next morning, she send me back a message, "Sorry Hazeeq, I dozed of again..haha anyway, good morning" I reply her back," Good morning, its ok la.. I understand.."

On 27 October 2010.. 8.30 pm

Me: Hai Ween.. I want to tell you something.. This evening I had a strange dream.. This is the second time I experience it.. In the dream there's a guy and a girl and they from being friendship went into a relationship.. I want you to assume that the guy as A and the girl as E.. They seem so happy until one day, the A's friend felt in love with the E.. The A's friend tried to express his love to the E and the E accept it and left the A alone.. But i know its impossible for the A to have the E since their races are different.. This dream actually I experience before when I' m in love with my first sight love and its really happen.. The second time i dun know whether its about me or not..

Ween: Hye, hazzeq.. Erm, mind to tell me who is the A and the E?

Me: Erm.. Dun know how to tell coz Im not sure..

Ween: Oh.. you and me? Lolx.. just kidding.. Try to tell me when you find out..hehe

Me: why you think is you and me?

Ween: dunno.. maybe our races and religion different..haha

Me: Actually it is you and me.. Sorry o

Ween; really? hahax.. its okay.. Ialso got a bit shocked.. it seems so interesting.. what we did in the dream?

Me: We went on a date, walking around the street, sharing our interest and dance too.. hehe.. Till someone come and you leave me alone..

Ween: wow.. so romantic meyh.. erm, in fact there wont be "someone" coz no one courting me also..Lolx

Me: haha.. anyway, do you have any feeling towards me?

Ween: before that, erm you have any feeling for me?

Me: yes i do.. sorry

Ween: Erm, I like you..

Me: Like me as a friend rite? haha.. nevermind I can understand..

Ween; Erm, to be frank, I have been thinking actually.. Like imagine you and me are in love.. Lolx

Me: really meh?

Ween: yeah.. Erm, do you want it to happen?

Me: Of course I want it to happen but I dun want you to love me juz because you pity look at me

Ween; It can happen.. Only after spm.. so, we will decide after that ok? now spm first..

Me; Ok.. Promise?

Ween: I promise.. ^_^

Me: I trusting you..

Ween: Yeaps.. Thanks for trusting me

That time Im really happy and I thought I can have her after spm over.. But unfortunately, it doesnt happen like what I imagine before.. Each time we sit together at tution, I always notice that she will talk to someone else more than talk to me.. Im a bit sad to see that.. She like prefer to talk with someone els than me and yet she never try to talk to me unless Im asking her question.. One day, Im a bit down with her and yet she doesnt notice that.. Later, she sms me and ask whether Im angry with her and i doesnt reply her message.. At the night before i went to sleep, I think anout what happen and I just felt that I shouldnt do that to her and I want to say sorry to her directly...

The next morning, I know she have physic class and I went to KTM and wait for her from 1.05pm till 2.05 pm.. Then, she surprise see me that time.. She a bit shocked and i said to her, "Im sorry about yesterday.." She said, "Nevermind la" Then we going to Paparich to have a drink while waiting for Ween physic class start.. I saw she a bit shy and Im guessing that she want to say something to me but yet she doesnt say anything... After the drink, we went to Perfection and that time I feel want to enter her physic class.. This time start the terrible situation.. I dun know that she cant concentrate.. Then after finish the class, she sms me and said that...

Ween: Hazeeq, am sory.. I think I have to make a cruel decision now.. I cant accept you.. I really need to concentrate on my exam.. Like juz now, dun you feel like were actually wating your precious times stayingfor physics class juz for me? I totally cant concentrate during the class..

Me: Why you so cruel? You said we talk about this after spm.. I understand you wan study and so do I but why u talk about thiss matter now? You really hurt me dont you know that??

Ween: Short term of pain is better than long term me pain.. I didnt mean to hurt you but your action juz now made me feel really uncomfortable.. Furthermore, Im a chinese la.. Now I realised that im actually a very prejudice person.. sorry.. I made this decision is for your own good so that you wont get a deeper hurt later.. sorry

Me: You really hurt me Ween.. I cant believe that... You said you trust me dont you?? Why suddenly..haiz... Theres only a few week we will see each other and after that I wont appear in your life anymore.. I wont disturb you anymore.. All the quote that i had written for you, I will burn it and I want you to know that I will always love you and i never love someone deeply like you.. Thx and I hope you do well in the spm..

One week I cant study coz of that and ally my friends sms and give me some advises.. Thank to them now I can accept already what had happen and I once promise her that I will always love her and start from now I wont be in love again and I will still love her even do she wont because only God and I know how deeply my love towards her and I never fall off any tears to someone except her.. Now I juz can flash back the memory that I and her been through since the day we get to know each other till now.. I will never forget that beautiful memory even do it juz a short term.. Thats all I can story about my love story to a person that i love so much, Ween.. I juz hope one day her boyfriend will love her more than I do... And I juz hope that I will remain single forever and this is a proof that I love her so much!!

The love tht i cant get.. any ways its one of sweet memories in my life...