Lost your data? Have you encountered any of these situations?
1)Your family photos suddenly disappear
2)You accidentally delete or format your hard disk
3)Virus attacks you computer, corrupting your files
4)Important files and folders go missing
5)Computer does not boot, or detect hard disk
6)Fire or water damages to your data devices
7)Power surge resulting in shorting of data devices
A file or a database may get corrupt or damaged due to many reasons which are as follows:
- Hardware malfunction
- User Error
- Software Malfunction
- Virus Infection,
- Natural Disaster
Can My Data Still Be Recovered?
Yes, all you need to do is send over your damaged media to me... Regardless how many time or people have told you nothing can be done to your hard disk, don’t stop right there cause there is a good chance I can help.. Whether you're a student, home user or a corporate personnel, we have just the right data recovery solutions for you. My recovery solutions span across all media types, including hard drives, flash drives (USB), memory cards and even CD/DVDs!.. The failure rate of mechanical parts in the hard drive is increasing too due to hard drive usage nowadays become portable more than fixed usage. Data recovery service is available at a very limited count in Malaysia due to the limited knowledge on servicing a hard drive mechanically...
DATA RECOVERY is a highly technical, labour and time intensive process used to retrieve data from a variety storage media or devices when they fail to be access by users. This process requires high investment to prepare the lab and equipments to work on the media.
How long does it takes?
An average of 5 working days. But the total lead time of a Data Recovery cases will depend on the condition of the media itself (logical plus physical). However, a new lead time shall be informed after the condition/problems are identified.
Can you recover:-
Deleted files, removed or corrupted partition?
Yes. If new data is not over written on it, there are good chances.
My computer cannot recognizes or read from the media?
Yes. It depends on media’s brand, model and symptoms. Most of the time, media with this kind of symptoms has a high chances of recovery.
My hard drive Cannot Spin/Clicking Sound/Scratching Sound/Buzz Sound?
Yes. Please stop powering the hard drive and send it to us immediately. The chances of recovering the data will be slimmer each time you keep powering the hard drive, one of the reason is due to the broken parts in the drive that are making the sounds by crashing into the platters surface.
Physically damaged media (mishandled, dropped, power surge, etc)?
call me now at 0172761372 or email me at the_reddragon93@hotmail.com

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